As an employer, there are many ways you can benefit from hiring and retaining immigrants and internationally-trained professionals. In Waterloo Region, internationally-trained professionals and other immigrants are often highly motivated, highly educated and skilled, dedicated, hard-working employees who can:

  • Help meet your labour needs: Skilled Canadian-born workers are getting harder to find. Over the coming years, immigrants will play an increasingly significant role in Canada’s labour force
  • Increase your competitiveness: Many internationally-trained professionals and other immigrants have the skills and talents to help your organization compete in the global marketplace
  • Help develop new markets: Many internationally-trained professionals and other immigrants speak languages and have knowledge of cultures that can help you develop new local and global markets
  • Make your organization more effective: Internationally-trained professionals and other immigrants can bring fresh perspectives into your organization, stimulating new thinking and introducing more effective ways of doing business
  • Connect you with other valuable workers and organizations: Internationally-trained professionals and other immigrants may be able to link you to other prospective employees and connect your business to useful national or international organization
